First, after coming back from a beautiful summer in Spain, this whole snow & winter thing is more overrated than ever. That being said, I have made a decision to move from a place of polar-bear snow to a place of slightly less snow – Washington, D.C. After spending a sufficient two months of post-graduation relaxing and spending time with friends, I am back to being productive. I have found another internship, this time in DC, and will spend three months here. It is nice to be back in a bigger city, and working here (as opposed to just visiting) will be interesting too.

For my first night here after unpacking all of my things, I took some time to call up a few friends and family members. After making some plans for later in the week, I went down to the desk to inquire about good restaurants to walk to. One of the people in the lobby recommended a restaurant overlooking the marina called
Channel Inn Restaurant (it’s right inside the Channel Inn Hotel). It was a nice, relaxing dinner. The restaurant directly faces the marina, which was nicely lit, complemented by the restaurant’s selection of smooth jazz. I'm not entirely certain yet, but I think I might have even been able to see the Thomas Jefferson Memorial lit up down the river from where I sat. Below is a day-time view of the marina. Tomorrow, there will definitely be more exploring and venturing around the city (as well as some much-needed grocery shopping).

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